Saturday, September 24, 2011

A little rant on "grown people"

Note that I am breaking character to write this.

It is not necessary frustration that I write this but rather sadness that I am writing this. When you are "grown" and  you have children that look up to you, is it truly unreasonable that you serve to be a role model of sorts to them, at the very least, be a positive example?

I am saddened to say that this post is based on the actions of one individual previously from my iMusickk dance group.

If you don't know, I work with children using dance to reach out and minister to kids. The fact that he was upset because my pastors have told him to take responsibilities for himself when nobody else will is his own problem and that's fine. If this person wants to stay in that child-like mentality, more power to him and God Bless. The fact that he is going out of his way to talk shit about a church that tried to help him when nobody else would, is a little pathetic to be honest.

In the small chance that you come across this sir, know that these kids that you are deterring from maybe the only positive environment that they can be a part of just so you can have a friend or two, or by revealing things that are unbecoming to children just to feel accomplish, know that in the chance that they may fine Christ or in the very least come out better then where their parents are at right now, you're leading them down  
a path of self-destruction though I doubt you honestly care about your 'friends' and their well-being.

Honestly, God Bless and I am constantly praying for you because you seem like an upstanding role model and leader.

"Dance Teacher, Youth Pastor, and friend.

Monday, September 19, 2011